Thazhath Neelamana Illam is among ancient Brahmin families of Payyanur, situated at Varikkachal, Perool which is about 15 kilometer to north east from Payyanur. The main deity worshipped is Dhoomabhagavathy and offering Gurusi/Guruthi. The Sreechakram worshipping also considered as sacred here.
Also worshipped Panchuruli, Gulikan, Kurathiyamma, Yogeeswaran and Bappiriyan as Upadevathas. All these deities are worshipped in the form of Theyyam in every year.
Thazhath Neelamana Illam is one of the ancient families in its kind. It was destoyed in the time of Tipu's invasion. Many ancestors fled to Tranvancore and other teritories . Many of them killed by Tipu and remained only one alive. He was grieving without children for years.They struggled by poverty even though they were landlords.
During the invasion of Tipu, the sword of one of the main deity, 'Panchuruli', was devastated. Also Santhanagopalakrishnan, Salagram and precious in vivacious Sreechakram were lost.
In later later years, Swarna Prashna held at Illam to found out flaws and made solutions through Poojas. Somehow the Sreechakram arrived back to Illam in later years which is take care as sacred and performing daily Poojas. 'Panchuruli' is considered as main deity and performing theyyam in every year.
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