Kothesivapuram Temple has its location in Poochakkal village in Alappuzha dist, adjacent to the famous Thaikkattussery Temple. Lord Siva is adored as the main diety here along with the updevathas or sub dieties- Ganapathy, Sasthavu, Nagayakshi and Nagarajavu. The Navgrahas has equal prominence in the same compound. The yearly festival in the temple falls on ‘aswathy’ in ‘kumbham’. In the Malayalam month of ‘Kanni’ and ‘Thulam’, the Nagarajavu and Nagyakshi are idolized with special poojas in the ‘ayilyam’ nakshathra. The Sasthavu will have the adoration named ‘kalasham’in aswathy in the month of meenam. This adoration has a tremendous popularity even among the far areas.